CEFR Language Levels

Language learning is split into six levels, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. These are the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or CEFR. They are used to describe your language ability and are relevant for any language you are learning.

You do not need to take a test before your lessons start. Please contact me to arrange a free language consultation via Zoom to establish your language level and discuss your specific individual needs.

A1 - You are a beginner

You can:

  • introduce yourself or someone else and use basic greetings

  • understand and use familiar, everyday expressions in very basic sentences.

  • ask and answer basic questions

  • Say where you or others are from and describe your hometown or surroundings.

  • Talk about and describe your family, friends & colleagues.

  • Talk about clothing in a shop and buy items.

  • Talk about daily activities and arrange to meet friends.

  • Describe the weather.

  • Talk about your favourite foods and colours.

  • Give simple directions e.g. to your house or the train station.

  • Talk about your hobbies and interests.

  • Check in and out of a hotel.

  • Talk about your basic health and describe simple medical symptoms to a doctor.

The other person will need to speak slowly and clearly. They may need to repeat a sentence for you.

A2 - You understand simple messages

You can:

  • Do everything at A1 level.

  • Understand phrases and common expressions that relate to things that are important to you e.g. your family, town, workplace, habitual activities.

  • Talk about events in the past e.g. weekend activities, holidays, your past life.

  • Discuss holiday plans with your friends and colleagues.

  • Talk about animals the natural world and places to visit in your country.

  • Entertain and socialise at a basic level, e.g. have a friend round to your house or welcome guests at a workplace event.

  • Talk about movies that you like and choose a movie to see with friends.

  • Know vocabulary related to food and restaurants.

  • Discuss clothing and what kind of clothes you like to wear.

  • Talk about and explain the rules of games.

  • Describe an accident or injury, get medical help from a doctor and fill a prescription for medicine.

  • Engage in basic communication at work, including attending meetings on familiar topics, making suggestions and evaluating others’ performance.

  • You are aware of the present, past and future tenses but struggle to use them.

B1 - You can communicate surrounded by others who speak your chosen language

You can:

  • Do everything at A1 & A2 level.

  • Manage in most situations that come up when travelling in a region where the language is spoken.

  • Talk or write about familiar subjects or subjects of personal interest e.g. music, television, cinema

  • Talk about your habits e.g. watching television, healthy lifestyle.

  • Plan a night out with friends and engage in conversation whilst there e.g. dinner and a music concert.

  • Talk about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and give and get advice about healthy habits.

  • Talk about relationships and dating, including meeting people through social media.

  • Describe events, experiences, hopes, dreams and future plans.

  • Arrange and have a job interview in your area of expertise.

  • Manage in most situations at work that relate to your area of expertise e.g. explaining an idea or project, being involved in negotiations, discussing safety, explaining rules & regulations.

B2 - You can communicate fluently

You can:

  • Do everything at B1 level.

  • Communicate fluently with native speakers and express yourself clearly and in detail and understand what is said to you. Topics include, education, life at work, politics, current affairs, gender issues, personal finances.

  • Use the language at work, including during meetings.

  • Understand technical articles in your area of expertise.

  • Discuss your own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Talk about what you can do to develop at work including thought processes, and leadership qualities.

  • Discuss advantages and disadvantages.

  • Give advice to others, including reading recommendations and financial advice.

  • Express sympathy, give praise and use the appropriate language for certain situations.

  • Deal with awkward or difficult situations that arise in social and business contexts.

You want to learn to use the tenses in more difficult situations.

C1 - You are advanced

You can:

  • Do everything at levels B1 & B2.

  • Understand long and complex texts, even if not related to your field of expertise.

  • Express yourself without struggling for vocabulary.

  • Develop a well-structured argument, whether for social, professional or academic purposes.

  • Tell jokes and use sarcasm.

Your communication is:

  • Clear and concise and others would regard you as fluent.

Topics you can discuss include:

  • Art & architecture.

  • Problems, events and issues in society and how they affect others.

  • Conservation and sustainability.

  • Risk.

  • Successes and motivations.

  • Quality of life.

  • Ethics.

C2 - You are a Master!

You can:

  • Do everything at C1 level.

  • Understand almost everything you read or hear with ease.

  • Communicate in all situations.

  • Use colloquial expressions and have a wide range of vocabulary.

Your communication is:

  • Fast, at a native level.

  • Fluent and precise.

  • Creative and spontaneous.

Topics you can discuss include:

  • Science and technology.

  • Gossip and celebrities.

  • Financial planning and advice.

  • Stress.

  • Research and techniques involved.